Wednesday, January 27, 2016

What piece of clothing is my best friend?

Meet my pink cashmere best friend.
While reading The Oprah Magazine last month my imagination was caught by the question it asked its readers:

What piece of clothing is your best friend?

Without hesitation I immediately thought of my raspberry-pink cashmere wrap that I bought about 15 years ago while in Cleveland for business.  It was a cold February day as I strolled the city mall window shopping.  

As I passed an Ann Taylor store this cheerful pink color literally wooed me into the store where I was delighted to see that it was on deep-discount-after-Christmas sale and seemingly waiting for me to find it in that large mostly empty mall that day.

Thank you, Ann Taylor, for such a beautiful piece!

Not only was it my favorite shade of pink but I am a sucker for soft, luxurious cashmere and upon touching it I knew it was mine.

My cashmere wrap is a constant piece
in my carry-on.
We bonded so fast and so completely on that trip that I have not traveled without it since I first wrapped it around my shoulders that day.

It has served as a bathrobe, a head scarf and a blanket to wrap up in while in Scotland.  I worn it over a coat, under a coat and as a coat.  It's been around my neck, shoulders and even serves as a lap blanket and a pillow!

I realized on my first flight how easy it is to slip over my neck and around my shoulders--even from the middle seat.  It's better than a sweater and it takes just a tiny adjustment to accommodate fluctuating temperatures on a plane. Should I get too warm it's easily removed, folded and tucked back into my bag.

It's so soft and warm that I've tucked it around myself and even shared it with Ken on long flights that required a nap.

Many years ago, during a trip to several cities in Florida I was horrified to see that my pen had leaked blue ink all over the contents of my carry-on--including my beautiful pink cashmere wrap.

Blue ink stains soften and fade over time.

Despite several professional attempts to clean and remove the ink stains, some were, sadly, permanent.

At this point some might have decided this wrap was now ruined and damaged beyond keeping.  

But, I chose to look at this as something that we all experience--life and how it permanently changes us.  Now that several years have passed those blue ink stains have faded and softened until they look like original designs in the cashmere as it was woven.  I rarely notice them anymore. 

Years later, I somehow tore a small hole in it and if one looks closely one would see a tiny suture sewn with matching thread to mend it.  

While nearly invisible, that too reminds me that we all encounter those times in life when tiny holes need to be mended with love and patience. None of these things ruin us, they just change us.

So as I continue to travel with this happy soft cashmere wrap, I rejoice that just feeling it against my skin lifts my spirits as I fly, drive, sail, glide on rails and travel the world with it.

Maybe part security blanket, but this old well-worn cashmere wrap is truly a best friend who has warmed me, comforted me and is still the first item I pack whenever I set out to travel and explore.

Packed and ready to go!

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