Saturday, October 29, 2016

Shadow Play

How can anyone resist a perfect autumn day?

Even if one is a self-professed lover of another season, there is a wooing of one's soul by the lush rich colors and scents of October that is irresistible!

Even when I'm rushing through a day full of errands I suddenly find myself so surrounded by absolute and total beauty that I just have to stop and try to breathe it all in, to somehow try to capture that essence deep into my heart.

As I walk each morning, I am also entertained with the way light and shadows play with fallen leaves on the sidewalk before me.  

With Halloween just a haunting breath away, here is this fall's chapter of SHADOW PLAY, 2016.

There was a crooked leaf
that cast a crooked shadow.
Fright Night Leaf
Dragon Leaf
Dragon Leaf II
Dragon Leaf III
Dragon Leaf IV


Leaf from the Black Lagoon!
Guillotine Leaf
Witch's Hat

Haunted Leaf Village
Skeleton shadows.

Leaf Maleficent
Witches Cat


"When witches go riding,
and black cats are seen,
the moon laughs and whispers,
'tis near Halloween.
                              - Author Unknown