Sunday, May 11, 2014

Oh, this is just too marvelous NOT to share! Hello Winter Storm Zephyr!

Oh, this is just too marvelous NOT to share!  Remember when I last posted that spring in the foothills of Colorado is a wondrous thing?  Oooh-boy, have we got a WONDROUS spring day today!

YES!! Mother Nature is having some fun with us today!!

Welcome Winter Storm Zephyr!  

We desperately needed some moisture and last week we finally got our rain--but, of course it came packaged in massive scary thunderstorms with several tornado warnings.  But, rain is rain and it was wonderful!

We woke to rain mixing with snow today and for my walk with Molly (my Golden Retriever) we had the trail to ourselves.  No small wonder at that.  When we first departed the house it was more rain than snow and the fat heavy drops landed in the pond with mini-explosions of water, sending ripples to intersect with a pond alive with ripples.

The Poudre River Trail was tranquil and quiet as we walked.  

As we scooted down the muddy path to the Poudre River I was surprised to see it flowing higher and faster than just a couple of days ago.

The snow-rain mixture was beginning to lean more towards snow at this point, which was good since my waterproof boots were waterlogged and my down gloves soggy and cold.

 But, I was rewarded by continuing to walk as through the foggy mist rising from the reservoir I was glad to see the Canadian Geese with their quickly growing goslings.

As I neared home I was reminded that yesterday our crab apple tree was rich with white blossoms and today it was white with icy snow!

And, as I recall from my previous post just a few sunny days ago, I urged you to take a moment to stop and smell the lilacs as we don't know how many lilac seasons we're granted in each lifetime.  So, I did that just that today--after knocking off some snow first!

So, from my west deck, I am enjoying a perfect Mother's Day and all the moisture Winter Storm Zephyr shares on its way east. That it's coming as an all-day snow storm is a gift only Mother Nature could devise!

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