Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Welcome spring!

Ah, SPRING in the foothills of Colorado is a wondrous thing! 

As each piece of the world has its unique tribute to the relinquishment of winter to the embrace of spring, here in the almost-high country it is its own celebration.

Last year, our meager precious moisture arrived not in winter but in April and May.  Consequently, those determined daffodils tried to emerge with each warming spell, only to get dumped on with snow again and again.  Those poor veterans that somehow survived to raise their mashed and dwarfed golden trumpets were victorious--one of spring's tiny triumphs that year.

This year, we received some of our cherished precipitation during our winter months and had a winter worthy of a fine coat and warm boots.  (You can tell, no doubt, that I LOVE winter!)  This year those daffodils, no doubt leary of popping up too soon, had little to contend with in the form of snow, ice, slush or other forms of early spring water.  In fact, I'm still waiting for spring's first rain, the kind that doesn't freeze into a scary sheet of ice on the front sidewalk, but rather fills the air with the fragrant smell of RAIN!

Those perky bright daffodils, secure with the reserves found in a bulb, have been happily swaying in the recent winds, proclaiming to all that spring once again is firmly in charge.  Pink and purple tulips have now joined the parade and a couple of days ago our crab apple tree decided, why not?

   It is lush, fragrant, opulent in its covering of blossoms.  I can't resist stopping in my chores throughout the day just to bury my face in its blossoms.  With each gust of wind (and, it's been rather gusty lately) the petals release and briefly experience that moment of defying gravity!  High they fly, maybe catching an extra swoosh of wind for a brief suspension before falling, gently, like snowflakes in a snow globe.  Across the greening lawn they scatter, reminding me of petals awaiting the step of a bride.

My neighbor's lilac bushes are blooming as well and I confess that in all the world, to me there is no perfume like that of spring lilacs.  I simply can't resist meandering over just to breath in deeply, close my eyes and savor the season's brief Lilac Time.  There's only one a year and it emerges and disappears so quickly that even if one has the best of intentions to go smell the lilacs, if one misses the moment one must endure a bunch of seasons before the fleeting opportunity returns.

So, here's my message today, Go, smell the lilacs.  Breath in the fragrance of spring and release winter to seasons past.


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